It´s all in your brain!
You see friends from far away. How do you know it is them? You recognize their hair, the shape of their shoulders, their height, the way they walk. You walk into your granny´s house, and you are immediately transported by the smells in her kitchen.
Our amazing brains are capable of knowing more than a million color variants and smells. We can feel a feather as it brushes out skin; hear the soft sound of a leaf. Our eyes and ears are portals to our brain. They let in the signals that make sense of the world around us.
Messages from the outside world reach our nerve cells and send signals to our brain. And although scientist continue to study and learn about the incredible complexities of the brain, there is still much they don´t know.
A Control Center
NASA´s Mission Control Center is similar to an organism, but it is in charge of regulating, controlling, and managing areospace vehicle flights.
The Nervous System
Living organisms also have a control center to send and receive information to and from different parts of the body. This anatomic controller is the nervous system.
The nervous system is made up of billions of nerve cells, called neurons.
These cells are designed to send signals to and from your brain and every part of your body.
These neurons are connected end to end, and transmit electrical impulses that coordinate the actions and transmit information through the body to the brain, muscles, and organs.
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